Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kill the Wabbit

When we first started watching Apocalypse Now I thought that instead of being an adaptation it was a movie with a few references to Heart of Darkness, but as we get farther in I am starting to see more similarities. After the helicopters fly in to Wagner's the Valkyrie and bomb the village there is a moment when Lieutenant Kilgore is talking about surfing and in the background, slightly out of focus, is a line of Vietnamese people who have been roped together being taken somewhere. Although it doesn't have quite the same effect as in Heart of Darkness when Marlowe sees the criminals when he is on his way to the first station, there is the same sense of blatant disregard on behalf of the people who are coming in to a strange new land. In Heart of Darkness Marlowe acknowledges the criminals but the man who is marching with them seems like he could not care less.

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