Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Brokeback LMAOuntain

I was surprised that there are glimpses of comedy in the movie. The first example is when Jack imitates the stereotypical "Rodeo guy," and the second is when he tells Lureen that "[he] likes the direction [she's] going." I feel that giving Jack some funny lines develops his character by giving off the impression that he doesn't take himself too seriously (especially when compared to Ennis.)
Some other funny parts (I thought) were when the man on the road tells Ennis, "strong back weak mind runs in my family," and when the pile of peanut jars falls over. Although it was obviously included to emphasize the stress of parenting and marriage, it's nice that the movie, which centers around many BIG problems, can still include some of the small problems in life. By including shots of everyday occurences, the movie feels more realistic, and less like a trailer for their lives, that would only include the most interesting moments.
- Henry

1 comment:

  1. First of all Henry, Lovin' the title. But on a more serious note, I really do agree what you said. And you have opened my eyes to this subtle sense of humor. I think that it's important in a movie that is dealing with such controversial topics to interject bits and pieces of humor. I think that the humor also acts as a pause, or a break for the viewers. If the movie did not have the humor that it does I think that instead of being an enjoyable movie to watch, it would take effort, which was not Ang Lee's intention.
